Monday, May 23, 2005

From Street to Chateau

On Saturday, several of us from Highland went down to participate in an event for the homeless of Ft. Worth in downtown Ft. Worth at Unity Park. Unity Park is a new gathering place for various ministries and church's to use as a central point of contact rather than the disjointed work of lots of different churches on a given weekend. Neale Mansfield of Feed by Grace has done a fine job of putting together an enclosed park area with vegetable gardens, a basketball court and a building that can be used for meetings. While at the event, we helped in the food line as well as gave assistance to Neale and others as they provided games and contests for prizes. It was around 98 degrees, but there was a big crowd that gathered throughout the afternoon. After getting back to my home after the event, I had the following reflections:
  • It was great to include my kids (Maggie Lee/8 and Jack/6) in this event and to let them serve the homeless and to get to know them by name. I know that God was at work in them and that He will bless that experience in their lives as they are now old enough to begin making a difference in their world
  • I noted the contrast from life on the street to life in the Chateau. I have never lived on the street and I certainly don't live in a Chateau, so let me explain. While driving back with some friends, we stopped by a beautiful chateau-like house in Trophy Club that my friend, a professional landscaper, landscaped last week. The house's beauty was highlighted by the beautiful design of flowers and rockwork done by my friend. After looking at it and thinking about what life must be like in such a house and neighborhood, I thought of the mats and sleeping bags and cardboard that belonged to the people I saw not thirty minutes before downtown. What a contrast. What distance.
  • I wished that more of our church had been there to be Christ to the people there. I know that I am not a good leader and not enough like Jesus if I am not doing more to direct their attention and focus to those who are forgotten, downtrodden, hungry and poor. It is so easy for us to focus on ourselves and our spiritual consumption than to act as the hands and feet of Jesus.


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