Friday, September 15, 2006

Millard Fuller This Sunday

Our church is kicking off its Crossroads emphasis (faith impacting culture) this Sunday with Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity. The theme of the week goes back to former pastor Dr. Bill Hull's sermon, Crossroads, which he preached in 1977 and deeply affected the Shreveport community re: the plight of the city racial relations, a male-dominated city, etc. I am new to these parts, but most folks say the sermon could be preached today and still be relevant, as some things haven't changed much. Our church will be building a house in one week as a part of a blitz of erecting 18 houses in a neighborhood here in Shreveport. I have no construction abilities and doubt that they will let me even swing a hammer, but I look forward to doing my part. I will also blog about each day's progress and do some podcasting with helpers, the family receiving the house and hopefully Millard.


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